Financial discipline is the act of setting specific monetary(spending and saving) goals and measuring oneself against how well they are achieved.
It also refers to when you are in control of the money you are spending in your business.
An insurance is a contract in which an insurer indemnifies another against losses from specific contingecies.They include:
If you save me today I will save you tomorrow.
How to create a W-E-A-L-T-H mindset
Budgeting is the process of calculating how much money you must earn or save during a particular period of time and of planning how you will spend it.
Budgeting has a 50 30 20 rule where each stands for specifics as listed below:
Retirement planning is a multistep process that evolves over time. In order to have a comfortable,secure and fun retirement, you need to build the financial cushion that will fund it all.
Retirement planning has five steps and they include: